To Revive, Empower, and Connect young leaders across the African continent, we are steadfastly establishing a network and cultivating a platform...



Ludwig Schimper

Executive Director


Kevin Robertson



Pastor Aaron Tshehla




Jon Ellis

Senior Pastor The Refuge Ministries of West Georgia


Bartholomew Orr

Senior Pastor Brown Missionary Baptist Church



Bokweni Machaba-Montshioa

Office Manager Multi Ministries


Alice Jones

Bookkeeper ABC Consulting


Astrid Pretorius

Website Development


The Bible

The 66 books of the Christian Bible are inspired, inerrant, & the authoritative Word of God. Therefore, the Bible is the final authority for all we believe & how we are to live (Matthew 5:18; John 10:35; John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).

The Trinity

The one true God who has revealed Himself, distinguishable but indivisible, as existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  These, being one God, are equal in deity, power, and glory (Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:21-22).


God created the world and now upholds, sustains, governs, and providentially allows or directs all that exists.  He will bring all things to their proper consummation in Christ Jesus to the glory of His name (Ephesians 1:10; Matthew 28:20; Genesis 1; John 1:1-3).



Satan, originally the great and good angel Lucifer, rebelled against God, taking a multitude of angels with him. He was cast out of God’s presence and is at work with his demonic hosts to establish his counter-kingdom of darkness, evil, and unrest on Earth. Satan was judged and defeated at the cross of Christ and will at the end of the age be cast forever into the lake of fire, which has been prepared for him and his angels (Isaiah 14:10–17; Ezekiel 28:11–19; Matthew 12:25–29, 25:41; John 12:31 and 16:11; Ephesians 6:10–20; Colossians 2:15; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 12:7–9, 20:10).


Humanity was originally created by God in His image, righteous and without sin until sin entered by disobedience and rebellion leaving humanity totally incapable of saving itself.  In consequence of his disobedience, Adam’s posterity are born subject to both imputed and inherent sin and are therefore by nature and choice the children of wrath, justly condemned in the sight of God and wholly unable to save themselves or to contribute in any way to their acceptance by God (Genesis 1–3; Psalm 51:5; Isaiah 53:5; Romans 3:9–18, 5:12–21; Ephesians 2:1–3).

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, that He was conceived and born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself as a legal, sacrificial substitution for sinners.  By His blood shed at the Cross, He obtained for us eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting.  He was raised bodily on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father, there to forever make intercession for the saints. We believe in the power and authority of Jesus over sin, death, disease the devil and any agent of the devil. (Matthew 1:18–25; John 1:1–18; Romans 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:1–28; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:10–14; Ephesians 1:7; Philippians 2:6–11; Colossians 1:15–23; Hebrews 7:25, 9:13–15 and 10:19; 1 Peter 2:21–25; 1 John 2:1–2).


Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  No ordinance, ritual, work, or any other activity on the part of man is required or accepted in order to be saved.  This saving grace of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, also sanctifies us by enabling us to do what is pleasing in God’s sight in order that we might be progressively conformed to the image of Christ (John 1:12–13, 6:37–44, 10:25–30; Acts 16:30–31; Romans 3–4 and 8:1–17, 31-39, 10:8–10; Ephesians 2:8–10; Philippians 2:12–13; Titus 3:3–7; 1 John 1:7, 9).

Holy Spirit

In the Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit today, who was sent to continue the work of the Lord Jesus Christ to Empower, Edify and Convict the Body of Christ. We believe that all manifestations, ministries, and gifts of the Spirit of God point back to the Lord Jesus Christ and honour His Word. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit, in whom we are also sealed for the day of redemption.  The Holy Spirit regenerates, forever indwells, and graciously equips the Christian for godly living and service, if we surrender to His ministry in us. We believe in the active and supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is vital in being able to fulfill the Great Commission and Great Commandment. (Matthew 3:11; John 1:12–13, 3:1–15; Acts 4:29–30, Romans 8:9, 12:3–8, 1

Corinthians 12:12–13; 2 Corinthians 1:21–22; Galatians 3:1–5; Ephesians 1:13–14, 5:18).


Water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances of the church to be observed until the time of Christ’s return.  They are not a means of salvation but are channels of God’s sanctifying grace and blessing to the faithful in Christ Jesus (Matthew 26:26–29, Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:3–11, 1 Corinthians 11:23–34, 1 Peter 3:21).

The Body of Christ

We have been called to be ‘One’ body or Bride of Christ.  If our king is the One, we are One kingdom.  Despite difference in theological opinion, denominational lines, or cultural barriers, we can work together in our communities to spread the Gospel, shine His light, and glorify Him.  In Multi-Ministries we will strive by all means to be at peace and pursue unity.  To build bridges and follow the road of reconciliation.  We respect denominational lines and theological differences but call all to pursue peace and unity among the brethren. (John 17, Romans 12:18)


God has created diversity in all His creation and therefore in humanity this is clear.  We are to celebrate our diversity of cultures and not let it become a stumbling block. In all our expressions of worship, faith, preferences, and daily life, if it honours God and aligns with the Word, His heart, and principles, it is to be celebrated, respected and given space. All culture needs the power of the Gospel, yet all culture has beauty in it we can celebrate. (Galatians 6:14, Revelation 7:9-12)

Biblical Marriage

God has created Biblical marriage, parenthood, and the family unit as our first and greatest responsibility and privilege.  We are to prioritize it and invest in it as befits it. May our families be a safe place where the presence of God is felt and real.  May we raise up families that are filled with the presence of God, built on the Word of God. (Ephesian 5:22-27, Genesis 2:18, Matthew 19:4-6, Romans 12:10)


We strongly denounce any form of abuse, intimidation, or exploitation of others. This includes the family unit, church, or wider community. May we be known as a people that actively demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit. That we are known by our authentic and visible love. That we fearlessly speak out against injustice and speak up for those without a voice. (1 Corinthians 13, Philippians 2:3-4)

Servant Leadership

We believe and call all connected to Multi Ministries to exemplify Servant Leadership.  We follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be known for our humbleness, love, and passion for the lost.  We have no place for arrogance, greed, or self-righteous leaders.  God has called us to be the least so that we can serve all.  Servant Leadership does not mean we are inferior to anyone or to be quiet in abuse. It does not mean I should be superior to others because of my title, experience, financial status, size of congregation or age.  It means to submit to God and to each other through the love of Christ.  It means to have a heart to serve others where people can only see Jesus. It means to have Jesus’ name lifted, and mine fading away in the background.  (Matthew 20:25-28, Mark 10:42-45, Romans 1:1)


We believe that a true leader is open to correction and is willing to admit their mistakes.  A true leader, when they fail or are confronted by failure, humbly seeks out restoration, repentance, and reconciliation. A true leader is not intimidated by the success of others but is inspired by them. (Proverbs 15:32, Hebrews 12:6)

Pure Speech

We strongly oppose any form of gossip or slander in the Body of Christ. The Bible calls us to speak Truth, in love.  Let us build each other up, and not break each other down.  We are called to be known for our love and unity, in the Body of Christ. If we serve the same King, we are of the same Kingdom. We are secure in what we believe, therefore not offended, or intimidated by others. We have taken time to pray and think through our values, beliefs, and moral code. We are open to agree to disagree with others if we can agree on the most important things. (Galatians 5:26, James 3:14-15, Ephesians 4:25-27, Exodus 20:16)

Godly Stewardship

God has called all of us to be good stewards of all that He has entrusted us with, and in everything to do it to the best of our abilities, doing it as to God. To look after our bodies, like the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Looking after all creation, as the first task given humanity in the Garden.  To use our time wisely, as precious and needing redeeming. To look after our finances, as all things come from God and should be used to glorify Him. To look after our spouses, as this is a witness of the love of Christ.  To look after our children, as they are a gift from God. As a minister of God to look after His sheep/children, as they belong to Him. We believe that we will give account to God for all the things He has entrusted to our care. (John 15:16, Luke 12:48)

The Local Church

The church is God’s primary instrument through which He is fulfilling His redemptive purposes in the earth.  We also affirm the priesthood of all believers and the importance of every Christian’s being joined with and actively involved in a local community of the saints.  We believe that all people are called and gifted to proclaim the gospel and to do all the works of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:17–19; Acts 2:17–18, 42; Ephesians 3:14–21, 4:11–16; 1 Timothy 2:11–15; Hebrews 10:23–25; 1 Peter 2:4–5, 9–10).


God has called the church to preach the gospel of Christ and make disciples of all nations. All followers of Christ have been called to be active in getting others to follow Christ as well. All have been called to repent of their sins and grow in their relationship with God and invite others to join them. We have been called to be Jesus in all spheres of our society and lives.  In this mission to the world, we are also reminded to reach out and help those less fortunate, trapped in bondage, disadvantaged due to loss or circumstances, to speak up for those without voices, to defend those that are vulnerable and to advocate for justice and reconciliation. (Isaiah 58:6–12, 61:1; Matthew 5–7, 28:18–20; Luke 4:18, 21:1–4; Galatians 2:10; 1 Timothy 6:8).

The Second Coming

The literal second coming of Christ at the end of the age when He will return to earth personally and visibly to consummate His Kingdom.  We also believe in and are praying for a great end-time harvest of souls and the emergence of a victorious church that will experience an unprecedented unity, purity, and power in the Holy Spirit (Psalms 2:7–9, 22:27–28; John 14:12, 17:20–26; Romans 11:25–32; 1 Corinthians 15:20–28, 50–58; Ephesians 4:11–16; Philippians 3:20–21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1:3–12; Revelation 7:9–14).


When the Christian dies, he or she passes immediately into the blessed presence of Christ, there to enjoy conscious fellowship with the Savior until the day of the resurrection and glorious transformation of the body.  The saved will then forever dwell in blissful fellowship with their great triune God.  We also believe that when the unbeliever dies, they are consigned to await the Day of Judgment when they shall be punished with eternal, conscious, and tormented separation from the presence of God in the lake of fire (Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:19–31; John 5:25–29; 1 Corinthians 15:35–58; 2 Corinthians 5:1–10; Philippians 1:19–26, 3:20–21; 2 Thessalonians 1:5–10; Revelation 20:11–15, 21:1–22:15).



What is Multi Ministries?

Multi-ministries is an inter-denominational, multi-cultural movement established to create a platform that reaches out and raises up the next generation of leaders for the gospel.

Ok, what do you actually do?

We are a network of leaders that have a heart to revive, empower and connect leaders who have a shared core identity and who are driven by the same passion, to see revival in the nations.

Ok, so just briefly tell us how it all started?

In 1993, Pastor Harold Peasley took up the call of God to preach the gospel in South Africa. He quickly came to realize the dire need for Bibles, as well as food, provisions and medical care for the poor and destitute. These ministries combined to birth the name ‘Multi Ministries’. Over the years, Pastor Harold was able reach tens of thousands with the gospel. In 2014 Pastor Steve Mann took over the baton and continued this legacy of evangelism, discipleship, equipping leaders and encouraging the saints. One of their biggest events was the REAP conference, which has been replaced by the REACH Leader’s Summit. Fast forward to today, where I, Pastor Ludwig Schimper, am continuing with the vision to raise up leaders in Africa.

Hold on, what is the REAP Conference, or should I say REACH Leader’s Summit?

REACH stands for Reviving Empowering And Connecting for the Harvest. This summit is geared toward all those involved, or looking to be involved, in Multi Ministries. It is about coming together from all over Africa and the world, to be inspired, equipped and encouraged. It is also an opportunity to plot the next year of ministry.

What is Multi Ministries?

Multi-ministries is an inter-denominational, multi-cultural movement established to create a platform that reaches out and raises up the next generation of leaders for the gospel.

Ok, what do you actually do?

We are a network of leaders that have a heart to revive, empower and connect leaders who have a shared core identity and who are driven by the same passion, to see revival in the nations.

This all sounds amazing, but who are you and the team?

Let’s start with yourself as the Executive Director of Multi Ministries. I was born in South Africa and grew up on a farm in rural Zimbabwe. I was saved at a youth camp and became passionate about God and serving Him. I went to seminar and answered the call to plant churches and reach the lost. This led me to this season as Executive Director for Multi Ministries. I am married to an amazing wife, Lea, and I am father to our two small children.

Who else is with you on the Multi Ministries leadership?

We have an amazing and ever-growing network of leaders that help me to pursue the vision that God has challenged all of us with. You may see them soon on our website under the Who We Are section.

In how many countries is Multi Ministries active?

We have regional coordinators currently helping us in the following countries: South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi. We are excited that many more will soon join the Multi Ministries team.

Who do you work with?

We work with all churches, ministries, organizations, businesses and individuals that share our core identity and passion to see young people reached with the gospel. This is regardless of their age, denomination, tribe, race, title or socio-economic level.

Is Multi Ministries politically aligned?

We are not aligned to any political party, nor do we push any political agenda. We do, however, teach on godly leadership and for Christians to be active in choosing and being godly leaders in their communities. This involves praying for all leaders and holding to a code of truth and holiness.

What do you want to see in communities?

We want to see the body of Christ working together to reach the lost, working together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It is our desire to see churches igniting revival through deep prayer and repentance focused evangelism. Our hope is that communities are restored from brokenness and that their leaders arise and blaze a trail with the gospel. We want to see leaders of integrity in every leadership space. We work together with the International Leadership Institute, and hope to see their eight core values at the heart of every leader.

So, leadership is a big deal?

Yes, leaders are facing the greatest crises in the world today. We lack leaders of integrity who are Jesus-focused, Bible-centered, and Spirit filled. It is because of the leaders we have, that we are where we are. This includes the desperate situation we see in the church today.

Can we make difference?

Yes, we can, if we share the vision and work together, we will set off a tsunami type movement that the devil cannot stop. I believe it will play a part in helping to ignite and drive the greatest revival mankind has ever seen. For the Kingdom of God to be manifested in ways and in places and to the scale never seen before.

What does Multi Ministries do or offer on a practical level?

It is our intention to create a platform or network for leaders. This platform would help to mobilize resources to the frontline workers and assist in igniting revival in denominations. It would provide the structures to empower young leaders and ultimately be a network for Christian leaders to connect with God and each other.

This is all amazing, how can I become involved?

The first thing is to go through the core identity statement and if you agree, sign the champion’s declaration. Once you are a champion for MM, live out the mission goals, be the champion in your community. Be involved in missions to other communities. We invite you also, as a champion, to pray for Multi Ministries, share our movement with your friends, join us on a mission team to one of the African countries, join our list of monthly partners. Your monthly support empowers the leadership of MM to pursue the vision God has given us.


Limitless Church, California